Click the link below to watch the video message from our Verona students to our Verona faculty & staff. A special thank you to Laura Morowitz for her coordination efforts. Stay strong Verona.
Dear Colleagues,
I hope this email finds you and your families healthy and safe. Last week’s spring break was a well deserved respite from the past month of uncertainty. Thank you again for your dedication and resilience during this challenging and unpredictable episode. Your efforts have been second to none.
We have several weeks ahead of us, and perhaps longer, as we continue to forge ahead. Governor Murphy announced today that schools will remain closed until at least May 15, 2020. We should be prepared for longer potential closures. In an effort to continue to sustain personal and meaningful connections with our students, we are encouraging and will be requiring that all teachers use videoconferencing on a regular weekly basis (if you are not already doing so) when teaching your students. There will be more details and guidelines for staff that will be shared by our administrative team in the coming week. Thank you to all of you who have been utilizing video platforms over the past month to maintain those connections. Wishing you and your families great health and well-being as we all look forward to seeing everyone soon. Stay safe everyone. Be well.
Dr. Rui Dionisio
Superintendent of Schools