September 2022
“Those who devote their lives to a cause greater than themselves
always find a larger, fuller life than the one they remembered.” Wilbert E. Scheer
The Ramapo Indian Hills Regional High School District is focused on maximizing opportunities to meet the needs of all students for a meaningful life. These words remain central to every decision we make as it conveys our shared commitment to our students. We have a committed Board of Education, dedicated faculty and staff, highly engaged and motivated students, and supportive parents and community members. These are the key ingredients for supporting high-quality teaching and learning.
Our schools continue to make strides toward demonstrating academic, social, and emotional progress to support the individual potential of every child. What I love most about September is the opportunity to establish our new year’s resolutions. The beginning of each school year offers each of us new beginnings with an opportunity for a renewed commitment to our professional practice. These last few days of summer allow us to finalize our reflection with the motivation to build upon last year’s progress.
I continue to be in awe of the strength of our community, always striving to work together in the best interests of our children. I am extremely proud of our entire staff for their commitment to our students. The past several months have included a commitment to enhanced summer learning academies, the coordination and presentation of curriculum revision, facility improvements and restoration, recruitment, hiring and support of talented new faculty, engaging professional development for continued growth and learning, and the celebration of important milestones for our staff brimming over with enthusiasm.
We have made great strides over the past several months with our commitment to the development of a new Strategic Plan. We will continue to guide this important work into our new school year seeking input from our stakeholders so we may develop our priorities that will help guide our multi-year strategic plan. Everywhere you turn, there is innovation and progress. It is an exciting time to be a member of the RIH learning community.
As we begin a new year, we look forward to building upon our accomplishments while continuing to enhance our educational program. Thank you for being our partners in helping make Ramapo Indian Hills Regional the very best for our students. Our progress would not be possible without your support.
There is a great deal of anticipation and excitement as we lead up to the first day of school, for both students and staff. I hope you take some time to continue to enjoy the remaining days of summer. Wishing you and your children a successful start to the school year.
All my best,
Dr. Rui Dionisio
Superintendent of Schools
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash